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Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Moments Of Me #50

One of the SIGNATURE Pandora charms.
Since today marks the 50th post of "Monday Moments Of Me" I thought why not highlight the signature piece of why this all got started!
It is timeless, it is sleek, it is modern, it is blingy, it is beautiful, it is simple. How can one charm be all of these?! I love that it IS all of those plus more.
 I love that in life we have the choice to choose every single day who we are, what we stand for and to show the world! I love that we are all so different because with out the differences this world and life would be boring. Don't you agree?

Click HERE to find out why I am doing these weekly Monday Moment Of Me Posts. It will clarify the "why" behind my motivation so this post does not seem so random :)

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