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Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday Moments Of Me #56

The Sparkling Leaves Clip on my bracelet reminds me to enjoy nature, enjoy the natural things in life. To slow down, take a deep breath and enjoy the journey. The bling is to 'doll' it up a bit ;)

When I was a little girl, my grandma, who by now you know was a huge inspiration to my Pandora journey taught me many many things and one of these things was how to draw leaves. To this day, it is the way I draw leaves. No other way seems right. No other way seems good enough. It reminds me of the way the leaves ont his charm look as well. I love that my grandma being the amazing woman she is left such an impression on me at such a young age. I hope I can be at least half the woman she was!! This is something I strive for.

Click HERE to find out why I am doing these weekly Monday Moment Of Me Posts. It will clarify the "why" behind my motivation so this post does not seem so random :)

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