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Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday Moments Of Me #60

You Guys!!! I am on post 60. This calls for a c-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-i-o-n. Does anyone else have songs pop in their mind all day when certain trigger words are said or thought?! Happens to me All.The.Time. That celebrations song happens to be popular at weddings ;)

I just can not get enough of this AWESOME gift bag I received. I know I know, it is not for some. For that reason is all the more why I love it. You will never believe who picked it out! My mother-in-law. LOL. She knows me! I love animals, I love bright colored hair, I like to party and I like bling! This bag is going down in history as the most epic gift wrapping ever in my books :)
Look closer, this cow is wearing boots, a nose ring, "earrings," eyeshadow and a necklace. Oh man! I just can not get enough.
Don't you love it when something so simple can put such a smile on your face? Something so simple that will make you remember it for years and years to come?
You never know what you say or what you do or what you give that will impact someone so strongly. So, remember to make is awesome!

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