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Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday Moments Of Me #40

This Pandora Golden Radiance Pink Sapphire Charm is so stunning and eye-catching.

As this week is Thanksgiving, I am thankful for family, I am thankful for friends, I am thankful for my health, I am thankful for my husband, and I am thankful for my "kids" (furry 4-legged animals.)
I am thankful for the freedoms in this country. I can go on and on but lets end this thankful list with...I am thankful for this journey of a wrist full of memories I am on!!!

This show stopper was given to me as a gift from a good friend. It is the single most expensive charm on my wrist of memories because it is 14K gold with real pink sapphires. Whew! I am almost scared to wear this one...almost LOL. 

The shape is so striking to me and the colors blend so well together that it makes me calm. Puts me in a tranquil state really...which may be a good thing on a stressful day. It is my modern day "worry stone." Did that comment just state my age? Does anyone else remember worry stones? 

Also, 14K gold is considered a precious metal. Family and friends are precious, health is precious, this journey I am on of a wrist full of memories is precious. LIFE is precious. Guard it.

Click HERE to find out why I am doing these weekly Monday Moment Of Me Posts. It will clarify the "why" behind my motivation so this post does not seem so random :)

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