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Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday Moments Of Me #47

I may be getting older...but still a kid at heart. I was having a difficult day awhile back and all I wanted to do is go buy a kids coloring book, Mr. Sketch Scented Markers like I had when I was a little girl and sit down on my couch and color. So guess what I did? I bought a kids coloring book, Mr. Sketch Scented Markers and I sat on my couch and colored! It was sooo therapeutic friends! Seriously. I recommend it. Doctor's orders!! LOL.
It was a reminder to never stop being a kid, to always make time for fun, smile, and do things that make you happy.

Click HERE to find out why I am doing these weekly Monday Moment Of Me Posts. It will clarify the "why" behind my motivation so this post does not seem so random :)

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