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Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday Moments Of Me #63

While in Tucson, AZ at the AZ Gem Show I found these polished heart shaped rocks. I tried to pass them up as I already have a large rock collection and I do not need more. I have loved rocks since I was a little girl. I even had a rock tumbler and everything!
Something kept pulling me back to these though. So, before leaving the area, these beauties joined my collection!

The little black one is black zebra jade. My house has zebra carpet on the yes, I love zebra's :) and all wild animals basically.

The pink one is quartz. I love PINK!!!! It is the perfect shade....Love it.

The pretty glitter one is goldstone (not a natural stone) but still pretty. I got this one to give to a friend. You should see it shine in the sunlight! It is BREATHTAKING.

The white/clear/green one is man made opal. The photo does not do it justice. In natural light, it is almost see through. It shines in so many colors, truly amazing.

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