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Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday Moments Of Me #64

This Monday morning of May 2, 2016 I am reminded that this coming Sunday is Mother's Day.
How wonderful all mothers are! My mom has always been on my side, stuck up for me, made me laugh, made me feel better when I am sick, helped me with many of my projects, always is positive and reminds me that I can do anything. She has a big heart and is so giving to me and everyone she knows. Truly a woman I look up to :)
This is an old photo/selfie (maybe a year old) that I forced her to be in LOL.
She does not like to have her photo taken but I could not resist...the day the photo was taken my husband and I were out on a drive with my parents. Just cruising around  and when I saw this cotton field I told my dad pull over!!!
When my mom was a little girl her daddy farmed cotton so I got to hear many stories as I was growing up about life on the farm and still to this day I even hear stories I've never heard :) Priceless.

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