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Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday Moments Of Me #65

Ever Since I can remember, I have loved key chains. Since my adulthood, I have not collected as many but still love them and look at them in stores! Pictured below are some of the key chains I have collected as a little girl. As you cans see, PINK has a large presence... I am definitely a loyal color of pink kind of girl :) It makes me happy.
When I was looking through my box of key chains so many memories flooded back to me it was like re-living childhood all over again. I loved it.

 A Photo of many of the key chains in my collection
 One of my favorites! My 6th grade teacher gave every student one of these at the end of the school year!!
If you look close, you can see that this penny is from 1984. The year I was born. Which makes it EXTRA special. It was originally attached to a bookmark my mother gave to me long long ago and I wanted it to be with me all the time so...naturally I put it on a keychain! hehe

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