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Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday Moments Of Me #66

Lisa Frank!!! I simply love all the colors, the variety, the fun!
I remember as a little girl my dad was a pressman (I don't want to brag but he was a darn good one!) and they often printed for Lisa Frank. If even the slightest inclusion was on the final product, it had to be thrown out (hopefully recycled.) My dad would sneak some home for me and I felt like I was so special when he did, I was on top of the world, over the moon happy!
So while I was in the store the other day, I was looking for new pens and I happened to see this folder. It literally screamed "take me home."
I also love office products and have a collection of folders, notebooks, paper, pencils etc. that are new, just too cute that I had to have them :) So this beauty below has been added to that collection.
Who does not love ice cream, candy, chocolate, doggies, donuts, hearts...

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