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Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday Moments Of Me #67

Ohhh Friends! This is an oldy but a goodie. All through my childhood up until I was about 17 my parents had boutiques in our barn about 4 times a year.
Has anyone heard of the original "The Country Barn Boutique?" If you are from Gilbert, AZ I bet you know what I am talking about!
My mom was seriously known as the barn goddess. Everyone loved her shows, traveled to come shop there, I mean...people lined up for hours to be one of the first ones in to shop on opening day. This was no joke, the real deal and I got to be a part of it.
Anyways, while I was cleaning up my office last week, I came across these in the scrap paper section. WOW! I was so blown away by recovering these. I love them and will forever keep a copy of each :)
These boutiques were such a large part of my childhood that I hold dear because;
1. I learned a lot about life, to be patient, be kind, embrace differences and much more.
2. I made friends.
3. I learned how to be a hard worker.
4. I learned business tactics.
5. I was able to make crafts and earn money.

These flyers were made with love by my mom who cut and taped pieces of paper together and took that one sheet to the copy store to have hundreds of these printed. That checkered border was individually taped, that rabbit was individually taped, the signs and flower pot were individually taped...this was all done pre-computer days!!!
Love my hard working, creative momma.

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