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Monday, July 4, 2022

Monday Moments Of Me #246

I found a shirt in my closet.

It made me step back and take some deep breaths.

It even Made me cry.

Made me re-live all the good times I had with my Mixie Girl.

I still think about her daily, she was the absolute sweetest and best pup I could have asked for!

photo of dog printed on t-shirt

Monday, June 6, 2022

Monday Moments Of Me #245

Happy June!

I can not believe 2022 is already at its halfway mark!

After My Mixie Girl went to doggy heaven to run and be free of pain....the home was too quiet and too lonely. Something was missing and I could not take it.

So, KitKat (the cat) got a little sister named Snickers! It has been quite the adjustment for us all.

Snickers is a mini sheepadoodle and is the absolute cutest and sweetest puppy!


Monday, May 2, 2022

Monday Moments Of Me #244

Mixie, my best 4 legged friend was set free on March 31, 2022.

I miss her every day. She had such a joyful and kind spirit that is greatly missed in the home.

She had an amazing life running through the sand at the dunes, camping, hiking, sleepovers at grandma and grandpa's house, going for multiple walks a day, cuddling with her kitty, going for car rides and playing tug of war, even visiting family in other states.

I truly am lucky to have had the best dog ever!memorial photo of paw print for 15 year old dog

Friday, April 1, 2022

Monday Moments Of Me #243

Well, not sure you all even remember who I am since I never show my face here on the blog much.

Hi! Its me, Micah. Happy Monday.

It is another week.....that is a reason to celebrate!

throwing confetti at the scottsdale selfie

Also, this wall in the Roosevelt Row area in Phoenix was way too cool! I was vibing with all the colors! See the eyeball in the cactus? That is your reminder this week that somewhere, somehow someone is watching over you and cheering you on and has your back!
grafitti wall at roosevelt row in phx az

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Monday Moments Of Me #242

Throwback Monday!

This is me and my elementary school and church friend!

We met up for lunch the other day after years of not seeing one another.

It was so good to catch up and hang out and reminisce for a bit.

When we were kids, this was our go to activity....recording sessions on our radio show.

Yes, we were the originators of podcasting. LOL

Any yes, I dug it out of a box in the garage and brought it to lunch!

playskool recorder held by 2 adults reminiscing of their childhood

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Monday Moments Of Me #241

Happy February 2022.

Wow, 2022 is flying by.

Except on days when you are having Printer Paper Problems....

large format printer paper unraveled

Don't worry, I got it figured out. Only took a few hours hahaha

Some days are better than others and I am ok with that.

It is all about if you keep going or not and dang it I am not stopping!

Every day, every minute is a learning experience!

Monday, January 3, 2022

Monday Moments Of Me #240

Happy New Year
2022. I'm ready, are you?!

I am especially ready with my new PINK and sparkly Betsey Johnson sandals!
Her style and designs are just too fun!!!

Pink and Sparkly Betsey Johnson Sandals

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Monday Moments Of Me #239

 December 1, 2021

What? Where has this year gone?!?!

Every day I find a reminder to slow down, enjoy each moment, and to live for that moment!

I hope you do the same!

This photo was from a recent morning walk. . .  where that reminder found me . . . 

I truly believe it was meant for me! 💓

natural heart shape out of fallen leaves on the sidewalk gutter

Monday, November 1, 2021

Monday Moments Of Me #238

Hi! and Happy November!

I just have to laugh at the photo below!

When you look at it, do you expect this to be someone's living room?


LOL well, it is my living room! Now known as The Gym. Which, I am not mad about. It is nice having all the room and not having to leave the house to workout!

home gym

Friday, October 1, 2021

Monday Moments Of Me #237

I can not believe it is October 1, 2021!!!

Back at the End of August I was able to go to the Van Gogh Exhibit in Scottsdale!

I went with my parents which made it extra special! My dad and I planned it out and surprised my mom with tickets!

It was breathtaking and such a treat to learn more about Van Gogh. Spectacular how his art was displayed 'immersively' along with music.

I love making memories through experiences!

immersive van gogh exhibit

Monday, September 6, 2021

Monday Moments Of Me #236

 Hello and Happy Monday September 6, 2021!!!

When I attended my last August Wedding of this year, the couple had these cards available for guests.

I have seen them before. Many times actually. That day though it hit me differently.

What a great idea these are! Whether the responses are comical or serious, sitting down and reading through them as a couple and especially seeing who wrote it to you...has got to bring the wedding day memories back in full force! Advice from your favorite people who love you and support you to read anytime you want is such a gift.

I hope I see more of these this coming wedding season!!!!!

advice card for the new mr and mrs

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Monday Moments Of Me #235

 Second Chances

Years and years ago I tried the Barrio Queen Restaurant and for whatever reason I was not impressed and did not visit again until June 2021. I was hesitant and even resisted to trying it again when it was suggested. Good thing I believe in Second Chances 😉

My most recent visit has me wanting to go back on a weekly basis. Seriously so good! The meal I ordered is life changing!!!!!!!

"CHILES EN NOGADA  A roasted poblano pepper filled with chicken, apples, pears, dried apricots, golden raisins, walnuts, onions and garlic. Covered in a delicate almond cream sauce, finished with the colors of the Mexican flag: fresh cilantro, queso fresco, almond slices and pomegranate seeds. Served with chipotle mashed potatoes and calabacitas "

Next time you visit Barrio Queen let me know what you order and if you tried the Chiles En Nogada and love it as much as me?!

This lampshade pic was at the Tempe Marketplace location and I love the vibrant colors and overall uniqueness and even the choice of rope it is hung with :)

colorful lampshade at barrio queen

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Elizabeth and Justin's Gilbert AZ Wedding

Elizabeth and Justin had an absolutely perfect wedding!

The weather was rain and wind and then sunshine off and on all day up until about 45 minutes before the ceremony where the rain and wind was gone and the rest of the evening was great!

It was always Elizabeth's dream to get married in her parents backyard surrounded by her and her fiancés closest friends and family. She got her dream!

It was truly a great day and I am so grateful to have been asked to be a part and capture all the memories!

Elizabeth and her family are long time family friends so naturally this day was extra special!!!

Captured July 15, 2021

gilbert az backyard first look at a wedding in july

gilbert az backyard bride and groom photo at a wedding in july

gilbert az backyard wedding partry photo at a wedding in july

gilbert az bride and groom portrait at a backyard wedding in july

ring exchange at a backyard AZ wedding in july

first kiss at wedding ceremony at a backyard AZ wedding in july

wedding cake at a backyard AZ wedding in july

wedding cake cut at a backyard AZ wedding in july

bride and groom wedding rings

wedding sparkler exit at a backyard az wedding in july

What To Do After Your Micro Wedding

 Alright, so you are having a micro pop up wedding with Meander Gatherings!!

Now that you are married, Now What?!?!

Check out Meander Gatherings blog post giving several ideas on what to do after you said "I DO"

Sneak Peek of a few of the ideas are:

Having a spa day 

Spending time at The Zoo 

Adult arcade such as Dave and Busters or Fat Cats or Main Event

Going to a cooking or art class or even axe throwing

Road trip and spending the night at a fabulous resort.

Read more by clicking the link above!

cupcake sharing between bride and groom at micro wedding

cider toast between bride and groom at micro wedding

Top 5 Reasons To Have A Micro Wedding

If you do not know, I am partnered with Meander Gatherings which is a super fun Micro Wedding service with an adorable Vintage Metro Van.

Have you seen it?

If not check out their Instagram!

They wrote a great blog post with 5 reasons to have a Micro Wedding.

Three of the reasons:

1. Smaller Guest Count

2. Focusing more on YOUR priorities

3. Packaged options to make getting married easy

Sound like you and/or want to know the other 2 reasons and learn more?

Click HERE to check out the blog post :)

metro van with wooden ceremony chairs

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Elena and RW's Wedding

Elena and RW had a destination ceremony/reception. It was beautiful, intimate and at a private estate in AZ. It was perfection! They were all about creating memories with their best of friends and family and I am so grateful to have been included in this family's 2nd wedding celebration! I photographed the brides sisters wedding 10 years ago and it was such a blast seeing everyone again!

Captured June 26, 2021

wedding ceremony with big tree

family photo at wedding reception

bride and groom photos in fruit tree orchard

bride and groom photos in fruit tree orchard

bride and groom photos

bride and groom photo

bride and groom photo

Amy & Brandon's AZ Micro Wedding with Meander Gatherings

Amy and Brandon chose Shenandoah Mill as their location for their AZ Micro Wedding to tie the knot! They found Meander Gatherings (the awesome micro wedding/pop-up wedding biz) and loved the idea, the concept and the metro van! 

Their guests all shared in the excitement and love as these two became one. It was a beautiful morning spent with all in attendance!!!

Captured June 26, 2021

shenandoah mill ceremony space at the arbor with wooden chairs

ceremony signage

first dance in front of international metro van

bride and groom portraits with a vintage metro van

bride and groom portraits with a vintage metro van and meander gatherings

bride and groom portraits with a vintage metro van and meander gatherings

bride and groom portraits under shenandoah mills arbor

groom portrait with vintage international metro van

cupcakes with vintage pepsi crate and a vintage international metro van

cake cutting with an international metro van during a pop up wedding in az

bridal portrait during a pop up wedding in az

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Monday Moments Of Me #234

Sometimes camping looks like the photo below... 

camping with can am at the cinders in flagstaff

Do you see the photo bomber? haha (bottom right corner)
Yes, the cat and dog go camping with us 99% of the time!

We went to the Cinders in Flagstaff in June to get out of the heat in the valley (Phoenix, AZ) and we actually came home a day early because it was TOO HOT. Yes, everyone was uncomfortable and there is no point in camping if all you are gonna do is hide out inside the trailer and run the air conditioner all day taking a nap. Good times were still had though.
I am always grateful to get away for a few days and enjoy the great outdoors :)

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Chris and Julia's Regency Garden Reception & Gilbert Temple Wedding

Chris and Julia are such an amazing couple! Their family and their friends could not be happier for them either! Their entire day was perfect, starting at the Gilbert Temple and ending at Regency Garden in Mesa. 

These two have known one another for years and have even travelled the world together. They had a slideshow playing at the reception with all the amazing photos from over the years and all parts of the world together.

Their connection and love for one another was a gift to be in the presence of !

Captured June 5, 2021

Bride and Groom Exit From Gilbert AZ Temple

Bride and Groom and Families at Gilbert AZ Temple

Bride and Groom portraits at Gilbert AZ Temple

Bride and Groom portraits at Gilbert AZ Temple

Bride and Groom portraits at Gilbert AZ Temple

Bride and Groom portraits at Gilbert AZ Temple

Bride and Groom portraits at Gilbert AZ Temple

Bride and Groom portraits at Regency Garden in Mesa AZ

Bride and Groom portraits with a fountain at Regency Garden in Mesa AZ

Bride and Groom portrait

grand exit from reception at regency garden wedding venue