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Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday Moments Of Me #43

This Pandora My Princess Charm is near and dear to me...any guess why?

I received it as a birthday gift in December 2013 from 2 people who I look up to. Who mean the world to me. Who I would not be today without their love and support. My Parents!!!!!
As this is my birthday week, this is a great reminder to me to see this charm on my bracelet and to remember who I am and what I stand for .
I am the baby of the family so I was often called "princess" while growing up and still to this day...every so often...on a good day... I still hear "princess" uttered out of their mouths.

Click HERE to find out why I am doing these weekly Monday Moment Of Me Posts. It will clarify the "why" behind my motivation so this post does not seem so random :)

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